Friday, August 30, 2013

Speaking in Tongues

Do you remember when we spoke
in the language of gods;
in the old tongue,
tender and true?

Whisper to me, again,
of your days and nights,
of fruit ripening in the sun.
Tell me the secrets of the stars.

Hold me in your song;
swing me on a promise.
Teach me, again, to hope.

This is for G-man's FF55.  Click on the link and check it out.


  1. This is a gorgeous poem.. one to please the senses and the intellect at the same time.

  2. This is a gorgeous poem.. one to please the senses and the intellect at the same time.

  3. Agree with Kerry--the language of the gods that we borrow for our most important speeches, poetic and otherwise, well displayed here, Mary.

  4. I love this. brilliant. I love every single bit of the way it flows together. it was a pleasure to read and re-read

  5. You have the unique ability to make me 'sink' into your poetry .. a huge sigh for this one!

  6. A huge sigh for me as well...

    Oh, and your poetry Rocks too!

    Mary Bach, you are one of my Faves

    Loved your Heavenly 55

    Thanks for playing, thanks for your staunch loyalty
    Have a Kick Ass Week-End

  7. Very relevant poem, Mary.... We all need to feel that we really have found a way to communicate with God or the gods, I think.

  8. Such language has fallen away, except when one wants something at their bay haha

  9. Beautiful, Mary. Poignant an perfect last line. Hope to hang our hearts on. Loved this.

  10. This was indeed heavenly !! I'm lovin' it !!!

  11. Heavenly -- but there is something very sensual here too. Wanting to go back to basics - what is important and start again - very well conveyed. Thanks Mary. K.

  12. mmm this touches an old magic...i like how you gave it that, the language of the gods....can we get back there is the deep question

  13. Oh, beautiful. Times change, roles change, getting back to the sense of wonder is a marvelous goal.

  14. Gorgeous view!
    I love these lines:
    " Hold me in your song;
    swing me on a promise."
    Wondrous :D

  15. swooning, swaying, sighing. This is stunning!

  16. Thank you all so much! :-D I've visited, read and commented on all your lovely poetry as well.
