Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April - Poetry Month!

With Shakespeare's birthday in April (round about the 22nd) what better month to celebrate poetry?  As a part of that I am joining the brave (crazy) souls attempting to write a poem a day.  There are two sites in particular that are a great help.  The first is the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads: IGRT and the other is Writer's Digest, Poem a Day: PAD.  Each site will have daily writing prompts and a place to link back to.  IGRT has a great group who are wonderful at reading and giving supportive comments too!  I'll be linking to one or both of these sites every day for the rest of the month.  So, with apologies to the Toads, here is my first poem about frogs and secrets for Mama Zen's request to write a poem in 37 words.

Would you know all my secrets?
Like a frog dissected;
pinned, slit, opened.
You probe
lungs, liver, spleen
leaving nothing unknown
nothing unseen.

And when you finish,
I am ruined
and you are repulsed
at the mess.

    Imge: www.reddit.com


  1. How true indeed--the more you cut something(someone) up, the worse it all looks and the less it has the beauty of wholeness--one of the reasons I don't like poetry critique, or biology lab--but I do like this, Mary. Excellent kick-off.

  2. Really cool write . . . the mess after we've been dissected to death!

    1. Thanks Kathryn...I once read a quote, something about, 'spilling your guts is exactly as attractive as it sounds.'

  3. ugh....yes, how sad that would be...to be torn apart for your secrets....then discarded....

  4. This poem deserves a heartfelt round of applause! Excellent metaphor and powerful message in under 37 words... very well done.

  5. I adore this! Hell, I wish that I'd written it.

    1. Wow - thanks! That is the highest complement! x

  6. yes, secrets are messy. excellent poem, very vivid.

  7. Wow...this is apt...so true...they think they want to know it all but really...it is a mess, isn't it.

    Nicely done, Mary!!

    1. A version of the careful what you wish for, lol. Thank you Hannah.

  8. Bravo! Vivid and revealing in so few words~

  9. Yuck to the mess indeed, poor frog

    1. You are a neatnick for sure Pat. No messy relationships for you I'll wager!

  10. This is truly bad, Mary. Bad thing to do, it reeks of an evil person. One who would act this way would have no problem living with himself.
    Wonderfully written, I felt every line.

  11. so many are treated like this and helpless like the frog....it's chilling actually...you've made it so vivid in so few words...great write up..

  12. Hmm. This really is a wonderful metaphor - to "gift" another with all the "secrets" and then be found not interesting or worse. Perfectly written and I actually like the drawing.

    1. Thank you Margaret. You wouldn't believe all the pictures I looked through before I found this one, which I sort of like too.

  13. Best not to let it all out & keep some secrets then ~ I specially like the ending ~
