Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I Got the Low-Down-Political-Dead-Lock Blues

"Meet the new boss
 Same as the old boss"

Mama Zen directed us to tell her how the presidential election turned out in twenty words or less for IGwRT, but Pete Townshend already said it better than I could.  Listen to 
The Who sing it on youtube.

*Disclosure: While I think Barack Obama is basically a good man and the lesser of two evils, with the system we have even the best president is rather ineffectual.



  1. Nobody rocks it quite like The Who, but Audrey is right, you rock the brevity alright!

  2. Out with the old
    And in with the old
    A conudrum there I suppose

    1. lol, something like that...but in this case I do think the old is better than the new option.

  3. "...with the system we have even the best president is rather ineffectual."

    Exactly my sentiments...well said, Mary.

  4. Ah, the Who, awesome and more promising than our country's improvement.

  5. Only one boss (for me) ... Bruce!!!!!


  6. The Economist's special report on October 12 suggested that 80 per cent of the cash that funds Super PACs "comes from fewer than 200 donors". Statistically, this means that less than 0.0000007 per cent of the US population has the largest impact in shaping the outcome of the American election.
    Unfortunately, regardless of who is elected to office, they are bought and paid for by corporate interests. Unless of course we hold their feet to the fire.
    There is power in money and there is power in numbers.
    That is how all social movements in this country (women's suffrage, labor, civil rights) made strides against great odds.
    The important work of our democracy does not end on election day, rather it begins anew once the votes are counted.

    1. Very true. I have no idea why the courts decided money = free speech and corporations = people. Thank you for your very thoughtful response.

  7. i'm afraid you're probably too right and the next four years will be as partisan as the last four. it all depresses me so much that i didn't watch election night and have no idea if the Senate is controlled by the Republicans or the Democrats...

    1. :o( I hate being right about stuff like this. Thanks for your comment.
