Sunday, March 25, 2012

Upon Reflection

Everything has changed.

When I see me reflected
 in your eyes
the image is distorted.

Or is it the picture 
inside my head
that’s warped?
Which one is real?

What is real;
who am I; 
which face shall I show

This is written for The Mag where a plethora of talented folks respond to a writing prompt provided by Tess Kincaid.  Check it out.

Image by Duane Michals

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Tip of the Hat to G-Man

Please don’t martyr me,
though I’ll help you if I can.
Now let’s have some fun!

Along with E. B. White, “I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult."

But guess which one I’m better at:

Image by me!

This is written for G-Man and his Flash Friday 55, where folks share 55 words of wisdom...or (as in my case) foolishness!  

Monday, March 19, 2012

The REAL Cause of Global Warming:

After yet another bitterly cold winter Edgar decided to turn up the heat a bit.

This is written for The Mag where you can find many more sensible takes on this intriguing image.  *Disclaimer: This is NOT a political position statement.  It's a JOKE!  

Image by Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison

Saturday, March 17, 2012


   Worlds away you stay
   oceans separate - deep, wide
   desires divide

This is for Real Toads.  Have a look.

Image by

Friday, March 16, 2012


Luna beckons brightly,
dripping silvery specks
through the sky.

But no tears are shed
over a spilt Milky Way
swirling sweetly in the dark.

Looking up from different points
we see the same crooked smile
on March’s Moon of Winds.

Laying on a grassy fell you reach up
to pluck stars for my diadem.

*Moon of Winds is the name given to the full moon in March by the ancient Celts.

This is written for Friday Flash 55 hosted by the G-Man.

Image by me :o)

Friday, March 9, 2012

He Said - She Said

Every poison conversation
turns on your tongue, twists in my back;
becomes a cross-examination.

Every poison conversation
degenerates to accusation;
too much pressure makes us crack.

Every poison conversation
turns on my tongue, twists in your back.

Image by

This is a Triolet for dVerse where they are in good form at the pub.  Check it out for informationby Sam Peralta on the Triolet form.


Wise men say
pride goes before a fall
for pride is folly,
sent to trip
the haughty.

Wise men say
pride goes before a fall
and regret follows
in its wake.

Wise men say
pride goes before a fall.
But for me,
before a fall

there are usually
high heels and wine involved.

This is for G-Man at Friday Flash 55.

Image by: Mike4354 on Flickr

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lost and Top 10

You look at me and I am lost,
lost in the labyrinth of your eyes.
Disheveled, stumbling, like I’m sauced
you look at me and I am lost;
I’m barefoot, standing in the frost,
your cougar instincts, my demise.
You look at me and I am lost,
lost in the labyrinth of your eyes.

Image by Sarolta Ban

The poetic form above is a triolet, which is is eight lines with only two rhymes used throughout. The first line is repeated in the fourth and seventh lines; the second line is repeated in the final line; and only the first two end-words are used to complete the tight rhyme scheme. Thus: ABaAabAB, where capital letters indicate repeated lines.  Meter, is most commonly 8 beats per line.

So, again I started a Top 10 List of Silly or Inappropriate Responses which I will share with (or inflict on) you:

1. She's larger than life
2. Poor little man, he never stood a chance.
3. I can see right through you!
4. LIAR!
5. ‘Come into my parlor’, said the spider to the fly.
6. You've been a very. naughty. boy...
7. Oh oh, she’s giving me ‘the look’ again!
8. The 'EYES' have it.
9. Maybe it's Maybelline!
10. Don't shoot until you see the whites of her eyes.

This an other responses can be found atThe Mag.  It's also at dVerse.  Go on, they're worth a look.