You look at me and I am lost,
lost in the labyrinth of your eyes.
Disheveled, stumbling, like I’m sauced
you look at me and I am lost;
I’m barefoot, standing in the frost,
your cougar instincts, my demise.
You look at me and I am lost,
lost in the labyrinth of your eyes.
Image by Sarolta Ban
The poetic form above is a triolet, which is is eight lines with only two rhymes used throughout. The first line is repeated in the fourth and seventh lines; the second line is repeated in the final line; and only the first two end-words are used to complete the tight rhyme scheme. Thus: ABaAabAB, where capital letters indicate repeated lines. Meter, is most commonly 8 beats per line.
So, again I started a Top 10 List of Silly or Inappropriate Responses which I will share with (or inflict on) you:
1. She's larger than life
2. Poor little man, he never stood a chance.
3. I can see right through you!
4. LIAR!
5. ‘Come into my parlor’, said the spider to the fly.
6. You've been a very. naughty. boy...
7. Oh oh, she’s giving me ‘the look’ again!
8. The 'EYES' have it.
9. Maybe it's Maybelline!
10. Don't shoot until you see the whites of her eyes.
This an other responses can be found at
The Mag. It's also at
dVerse. Go on, they're worth a look.