June days are
strung out before me
round and shimmering,
like pearls on a necklace,
each one
a treasure of great price.
June is gentle, playful,
warm enough for afternoon naps
in my shirt sleeves;
bare feet,
take me wherever I need to go
in June.
I wear the perfume of
sugar snap peas
on my fingers.
they are fresh and green
all morning.
Peals of laughter
ring from birds
as they share my garden.
Bees hum a happy song
as they dance from bloom to bloom;
I am delighted with their sweet work.
Worms work for me too:
“Eat dirt!” I command –
and they gladly do my bidding.
I think I am Queen of the Garden,
until I realize
I am no pearl
nor string
nor clasp
that holds all together.
I am not even a knot
to separate each pearly day.
I simply am;
and that is enough,
in June.
Sunday Scribblings gave the word 'opportunity' for the writing prompt this week. Soooo...I took the opportunity to post a poem I wrote some time ago about June. To check out Sunday Scribblings for yourself click on the title above.