Friday, December 23, 2011

Solstice Triolet

Ration the sun, portion out light
more urgent with each shortened day
slate geese smudge as they take flight
ration the sun, portion out light
cold shadows lengthen into night
feel the rhythm of brown and grey
ration the sun, portion out light
more urgent with each shortened day

In this form I have used some of the same ideas and language as in my previous post, Solstice but this time within the confines of the triolet form.  I also would like to thank the gang at FEPC for help with this!  
Please go to Poets United Poetry Pantry to check out lots of great poetry and/or share some of yours.

And here's the basics about Triolet: The triolet is eight lines with only two rhymes used throughout. The first line is repeated in the fourth and seventh lines; the second line is repeated in the final line; and only the first two end-words are used to complete the tight rhyme scheme. Thus: ABaAabAB, where capital letters indicate repeated lines.  Meter, is most commonly 8 beats per line.


  1. Urgent until there is too much
    The dark is wanted just a touch
    Humans can't make up their mind
    Sure beats my little rhyming behind

  2. Nice, Mary. One of my favorite formats, and your choice of words is lovely in this.

  3. fine fusion of form and content.loved it.

  4. love the imagery.
    well done.

  5. Oh I LOVE this. And the photo is beautiful.......I am immersed in the seasonal gray where I am, so these words resonate!

  6. Abin - Thank you!

    Bluebell - Thanks.

    Booguloo - Thank you.

    Sherry - sorry you're skies aren't blue :o) Thank you, and the photo is the view from my back door.

  7. A beautiful triolet! (You make it look so easy and sound so musical.)

  8. I really liked your first line "Ration the sun, portion out light." It flows very well. Lovely poem!

  9. Rosemary - Thank you. I actually find some of the repetitive forms quite difficult. I stress about making that repeating line worthy of so much attention, lol.

    Silver - Thanks so much.

  10. Hello,

    Hope all is well,
    Glad to land on your island that showcase fabulous poetry talent, way to go!!!

    Welcome join us by submitting a free verse or a poem of your choice today,


    Happy New Year!
    Bless You.


  11. Mary, I am a seasonal affective disorder person (among the other ABCs of mental illness!) and so this poem had me by the heel. It can be a season of loooooong days and nights, yet you bring a sense of love to it. My "rationing of the sun" is in the form of a Happy Light, full-spectrum panel that brings me Vitamin D! Happy New Year, Amy

  12. oh I love a triolet! and what a refrain you picked! love "Ration the sun, portion out light" - nicely done indeed! thanks for your words on the blog! :)

  13. Amy - Thanks. I hope you get the light you need. It's tough in Wisconsin!

    OT - Thank you, and you're welcome!
