Sunday, July 28, 2013

Superman Ain't Got Nothin' On Me

Baby I’ll fly you to the stars,
double-clutchin’ all the way.
Superman ain't got nothin' on me.

This is for The Mag, where Tess Kincaid gives us a weekly writing prompt.  Click on the link and check it out.

Your Lot

to the well.
Take what you need
but go with nothing
except your water jar
and a dipper of kisses,
spilled out, as you start your journey.
Above all, don’t hazard a look back -
you may share the fate of Edith, and me…

This form is an etheree, an unrhymed syllable counting form with the following number of syllables per line: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10.  Joy has challenged us to use this form over in the Imaginary Garden.
I'm also linking to dVerse where Karin has asked us to write about water in some form or other.  

Friday, July 26, 2013

At Dusk

    Image from

As dusk reclaims the sky
you watch the shadows deepen
reviewing things you keep in
secret during the day:
promises unspoken, almost kept
feelings woken that should have slept,
bridges broken,
hearths unkept,
oceans open and windswept,
a token you never could accept.

Now turn your back, go inside;
send your sorrows off to hide.

This is a 55 word list poem for G-man's FF55 and Victoria Slotto at dVerse.  Click on the links and check them out.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


    Image from

A tender slice of dream
perches  on the surface of morning
before dissipating.

This is for IGRT and Grapeling's challenge to use words from his list.  I've used the words Tender, Slice, Perch and Surface.  There are many more though, so click on the link and check out the whole list.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Civil War

We sit in silence over breakfast,
by newsprint walls -
civilized, distant;

each with our
thoughts and plans -
civilized, distant.

We part for the day with a peck -
civilized, distant.

We sit in silence over dinner,
electronic buffer between us,
no need to interact -
civilized, distant.

If you can’t say anything nice…

For G-man's FF55.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Doagh, Ireland circa 1852

    Photo by Agustin Berrocal

   What is it you value?  

This is a little different than my usual sort of post, but after my trip to Northern Ireland and a tour of the 
Famine Village in Doagh I see how a cache of potatoes like this would be better than mere gold.
Check out the link for information on the famine village and for more information on the potato famine and some of the causes leading up to it check here: potato famine.  And finally you should most definately check out The Mag by Tess Kincaid where this picture is offered as a writing prompt.

And here are a few more pictures of Northern Ireland, just because:

    Northern coast, near Malin Head

On the road    

    Church and pub
Day care and cemetery    

    A couple more pictures...

...taken from the car window    

Friday, July 12, 2013

I Didn't Know

I didn't know
I had an idyllic childhood.

I only knew my piano teacher’s house
smelled of cabbage.

I knew Sandy was nice,
Bryan’s was mom was scary,
and the Cowell boys
had flaming match fights in their basement.

And I knew
when the street lights came on
it was time to go home.

Here is a 55 word trip down memory lane for G-man's FF55.  Click on the link and check it out.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Road Trip

    Image by

I want to
get in my car
and drive
down a road
I’ve never taken

I want to drive
over the curve

of the world
into the sun
and glance, just once,
in the rear view mirror
at the dust rising
in my wake;

a mushroom cloud
of goodbyes.

This is for Words Count with Mama Zen at the IGRT and for G-man's FF55.  Also posted at Kellie Elmore's FWF.   Click on the links and check them out.