Wednesday, June 22, 2011


June days are
strung out before me
round and shimmering,
like pearls on a necklace,
each one
a treasure of great price.

June is gentle, playful,
warm enough for afternoon naps
in my shirt sleeves;
bare feet,
take me wherever I need to go
in June.

I wear the perfume of
sugar snap peas
on my fingers.
they are fresh and green
all morning.

Peals of laughter
ring from birds
as they share my garden.

Bees hum a happy song
as they dance from bloom to bloom;
I am delighted with their sweet work.

Worms work for me too:
“Eat dirt!” I command –
and they gladly do my bidding.

I think I am Queen of the Garden,
until I realize
I am no pearl
nor string
nor clasp
that holds all together.
I am not even a knot
to separate each pearly day.
I simply am;
and that is enough,
in June.

Sunday Scribblings gave the word 'opportunity' for the writing prompt this week.  Soooo...I took the opportunity to post a poem I wrote some time ago about June.  To check out Sunday Scribblings for yourself click on the title above.   

Friday, June 17, 2011


day I’ll
come for you
scale your tower
save you-

but now
I battle my dragons,
slaying them all, but
How can I put
the three-sided
blade through
that last dragon,
the last

Meanwhile, you wait
growing grey and
singing blue

day I’ll
come for you
scale your tower
save you

Written for Friday Flash 55. Click on the title to go there
Image from

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mettle Test

the relentless
beauty of the sun I
stutter-step along the fault line,
raw and humming with possibility.
Here my tensile strength is tested
as the ‘if’ consumes me
before I go

This is for One Shot Wednesday at One Stop Poetry. Check it out by clicking the title.

Magpie Tales #69

Steps spiral,
infinity curls
at my feet.
Chambered home
echoes of oceans in a
discrete universe

This poem is a form called Shadorma, which is 6-line syllabic poem of Spanish origin with a meter of 3/5/3/3/7/5.

Here is a second brief offering inspired by the prompt by Tess Kincade at Magpie Tales.

spiral through
translucent, sandy chambers

Infinity curls
back upon itself
to the timeless

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Living Room Carnage

Living room carnage:
Rusty guts his weiner dog
one rainy morning

Friday, June 10, 2011

Memo from the Desk of: God

From: God

To: Rapturites

You’re not the boss of me,
so don’t go telling me when to do that whole
rapture thing.

Hello - I’m God!
you think I don’t know how to
keep a secret?

You’re still here, but
how do you know that you just didn't
make the cut?

Written for Friday Flash 55, where Mr. Knowitall, aka G-Man, challenges us to write 55 words on a topic.  This week's is the Rapture kuffuffle.   Click on the title to go see for yourself.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Magpie Tales #68

    Image by Mary Bach

Ok, I really did try to do something profound about the lack of privacy in the modern world, or voyeurism, but instead I ended up with this:
Top Ten List of Comments to Make You Groan:
10. The EYES have it!
9. Young man, I’ve got my eye on you!
8. Must be the eye from the back of mother’s head.
7. Big Brother is watching YOU!
6. M-o-o-o-o-m he’s staring at me!
5. Keep your eye on the prize (which apparently is a marble slab)
4. I spy with my little eye…
3. Oooh, that really caught my eye.
2. You seem to be a bit glassy-eyed tonight dear.
1. Until now I never understood the band name ‘Third Eye Blind’
This was inspired by Tess Kincade at Magpie Tales which you can get to by clicking on the title above.  I highly recommend it, however the image mysteriously disappeared, so I replaced it with one of my own.  I still recommend you check out site now named 'The Mag.'

Friday, June 3, 2011

Thursday at the Park

I watch
light and shadow
play across the bench
where you sat
a moment ago
when you told me

This is written for Poets United Thursday Think Tank #51

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Erratic Lightening
a luminous omen of
primordial fear

This is my first submission 3 Word Wednesday whose words this week are Erratic, Lumionus and Omen.  Just for fun I tried to us as few other words as I could, thus the Haiku.  Click on the title to go there. 

Flock - Sunday Scribblings #269


      all you inkblots,

           light tonight in treetops,

               dream deep of sun, rain, rushing wind;

                    next morning, sing the sun into the sky.

               Course plotted in your lineage,

          rise up, Icarus-like

     beak, claw, feather


This is for Sunday Scribblings, where they give a weekly writing prompt.  Also, this poem is a form poem called Rictameter, characterzed by a specific syllable count per line: 2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2, with the same first and last word.
And here is a little riddle for all you naturalists:
Q - Why is it that when birds fly in a 'V' formation one side is always longer than the other?
A - Because there are more birds on that side!